Defending DACA!

Letter written to all Major News Networks Below 

(This was sent to)
To: All Major News Networks Worldwide
From: Akeem T. Gouldbourne 
Author of the book Labeled An Immigrant


After I listened to CNN, I read the letter from Ex President @BarackObama addressing @ Donald Trump's decision on ending #DACA. I was heart felt and had to send you this. I hope this gets into the right hands and I understand that it may not even be read.

I wrote a book on my experiences as an undocumented youth and how those very same limitations pushed me towards personal success. Below are my feelings towards the situation. I am addressing and appealing to the minds and hearts of the documented American population. I have provided my information in case you want to bring me in for an interview and hear about how my story. This can help all the young undocumented youth under DACA Dream again.

I could have been one of them right now feeling the full weight of discrimination, discomfort, & unwanted. Many years ago I was taken to this country at 6 and like the Dreamers, I had no choice. I took notice of my situation as an undocumented Immigrant of the United States during elementary school after I received a letter from People to People a student Ambassador program for future leaders of AMERICA. Unfortunately, I was unable to go due to the lack of a citizenship and monetary funds. Just like Ex President Obama said the shadow was cast on me and I realized I wasn't free but I was young and didn't realize the implications of what that limitation meant. I still had huge hopes for my future. Throughout my life, I was a model citizen just like most of the young people under the Dream Act right now. I can speak for all of us when I say that we would have done anything to be a valid citizen of the United States and to feel no less entitled like the peers we grew up with. I tried many things before I left the country ranging from trying to join the Marines to moving to different states and looking for a way to go to college but at that time Obama had not passed DACA. So at the age of 19, I made my mind up to leave the United States and go to my own country that I knew nothing about. My freedom meant more to me and was greater than the fear I felt. I wanted to do things the right way and contribute to the country that I was born. The adjustment was hard and my lawyer told me not to leave but again my freedom and my time meant so much to me so I did. I left on March 12, 2012, only maybe 1-3 months before DACA was passed and I would have been one of the children under the act. I remember days that I didn't eat, days with no water, & light. I had made a choice to become strong from it all. The mentorship I received along with networking with people that can uplift me and help me to become successful. The sky was the limit with no Immigrant status looming over my head. For the first time in my life my entire future was up to me and the relationships and connections I chose to make.

What I just explained is what America used to be for everyone (THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY) the one place that housed and welcomed innovation from every culture in the world. Who are we now after we send home over 800,000 people for something that was not their fault and deporting them to countries that they know nothing about. Who are we to Kill 800,000 plus dreams? Could you imagine if suddenly the Native Americans decided to send home the entire population of the United States back to their original ancestral countries before migration to what we called the new world? Aren't we all Immigrants? It's just that most of us are no longer Labeled An Immigrant. So ask yourself President Donald Trump, Congress, and all Americans after looking into your past are we all not immigrants who sought a better place to grow our families?

We may have taken this land by force but does that make it any more ours than the ones who came after in peace and didn't want to kill occupying residents but yet still are willing to add to our forces and make us stronger as a people. 

I plead to the president himself and Congress do not punish lawful immigrants just like yourself for trying to lead better lives. Instead, allow their actions from the opportunity of being allowed to be a valid contributor to the United States mark their fate. 

Are the only laws we care about the ones that we create? What about the Universal Law of right and wrong? Moral and immoral?

"We have lost our way and have turned our attention to dismantling peace to create confusion and division while the true problems of Drugs, Poverty, & Crime remain"
-Akeem T. Gouldbourne

Author of Labeled An Immigrant:
Inspirational Speaker

Book Available at:
  1. Lulu 
  2. Amazon

Interested in setting up an interview? Media Kit will be sent upon request via Email

Sometimes you have to Put it all on the line.


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