"Immigrants are people too" -Larissa Martinez

          Hello, everyone, I was recently inspired today when a good friend of mine called me up and asked me to view a video on her Facebook profile. It was a young lady by the name of  Larissa Martinez who was Valedictorian of her school graduating with an astonishing 4.5 GPA! She came out during her Graduation ceremony and revealed that she was an undocumented immigrant/ Illegal Immigrant. She went on to say that most undocumented immigrants are trying to get straight and most of us just want to be of service to the united states and just contribute like any other good citizen. The video was shot by ABC News sometime in June 2016.

This brings me to the point that even now in 2017 when we have a President like Donald Trump who is committed to the removal of all Undocumented Immigrants. We still think things will get better but things are getting worse. The video was made in 2016 and had 4,892,241 Views. We continue to have hope in the future but remember you must have hope and movement towards the outcome you desire hope alone will not do it. Seek professional consultation from the right lawyer and make simple small steps towards becoming Legal.

Therefore I invite anyone to ask legal questions anonymously or unanimously below and I will seek professional consultation for you and post my findings along with the attorney who answered the question and source below.

"Remember time will always pass and it's best we prepare with the time we have now to better the time to come" 
-Akeem T. Gouldbourne
Author, Photographer & Motivational Speaker 
Book: Labeled An Immigrant

Contact writer: BoglesCorp@gmail.com
My Twitter: Twitter
Contact Ms. Martinez: Twitter
For more information on the Video above go to NBC News.com

Feel Free to Share this Post to all Social Media it may inspire some one who needs to know they are not alone!


  1. Loved reading "Labeled An Immigrant", the trials of Akeem is translated into the many other people who face challenges as an immigrant. But it shows his resilience and self-belief to overcome. Great.


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